
Elis wins the EcoVadis platinum medal!

This platinum medal underlines Elis' commitments in terms of sustainability.

What is EcoVadis ?

EcoVadis is a global standard for CSR assessments. They developed a platform that allows companies to assess their performance and improve their CSR practices. Today more than 90,000 companies collaborate with EcoVadis, this medal ranks Elis in the Top 1% of the best companies.

Elis & EcoVadis

The EcoVadis assessment allows the Elis group to have a clear vision of its CSR performance but also to demonstrate its commitment to customers.

Supporting documents, observations, monitoring... These are all elements that have been analyzed by international experts to give Elis a reliable and specific rating.

After 5 consecutive years of receiving the gold medal, this year Elis obtains the platinum medal, the highest award.

Elis wins the EcoVadis platinum medal!

The EcoVadis assessments are grouped into 4 themes:

  • Environment

    Brings together operational factors and product management.

  • Labour & human rights

    Human resources and human rights issues.

  • Ethics

    Anti-competitive practices, responsible information management and corruption.

  • Sustainable procurement

    Environmental and social issues within the company's supply chain.

These 4 themes are composed of 21 criteria based on international CSR standards such as:

  • the Global Compact principles
  • the Conventions of the International Labor Organization (ILO)
  • the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI)
  • ISO 26000 Standards
  • the CERES (Coalition for Environmentally Responsible Economies) principles

The Elis Group is proud to win this distinction, which confirms its commitment to a more sustainable approach.

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